Monday, June 4, 2018

I'm baaaaaaack !

... did ya miss me? <3 Never really ended this blog as things got crazy busy at the end of the semester but Paris treated me super well and I was so so sad to leave at the end of April and come back to the States. The summer flew by with my sister's graduation from high school and waitressing most weekends! Then back to Skidmore for senior year!

I applied for a TAPIF (Teaching Assistant Program In France) job after winter break where I could potentially teach English to French kids for a year and as per usual there were a few bumps in the road (missed the initial deadline, deadline got extended, letters of recommendation were taking too long, missed the deadline again ...) but thankfully everything managed to work out! After months of waiting, I heard back in April that I had gotten in and was placed in l'Académie de Nice, which was my first choice!! I thought about it and did some research and 4 days later decided to accept!

I'm on to my next adventure and will keep everyone posted about my actual school placement and pre-departure adventures (as I am sure there will be some)

Bises en retard,

PS - enjoy my aptly decorated graduation cap !

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