Friday, January 11, 2019

Around the World ... in 3 weeks???

Coucou ! 

or should I say Ciao or Gutentag .... aka its a very special edition of Pardon My Franglais (drumroll please!)

The fam came to visit! We had one helluva an aventure these past 3 weeks starting in Rome, heading down the Amalfi Coast, flying to Munich, driving to Nuremburg for Christmas. Then we headed back down through Austria and Lake Como to Nice and then made our way across Southwest and Central France! (Phew)

Catch all that? Non? Well here's a fun video to sum up the whole thing (in 1-second clips bien sûr)

Highlights included ...

  • driving through multiple pedestrian-only zones accidentally (the Pantheon square wins for most famous!) 
  • almost getting stuck in various tolls and parking structures since our van was trop grand, 
  • experiencing the Christmas market in the pouring rain
  • snow on Christmas morning!
  • getting to show the fam around Nice
  • spending our last night in an Abbey 
  • all the great food! 
It sure was a fun time (and I already miss everyone so so so much). As my housemate said "We're at the halfway point now!" so it's probably a good thing I bought my return ticket home for May. Mainly because my visa expires 3 days after ... 

Ciao ciao